Més Cultura



Arts and culture are suffering one of their deepest crises ever. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an abrupt and very long -too long- stop in cultural activity, which is one of society’s pillars, both in terms of social cohesion as well as personal fulfilment. 


The campaign “Més Cultura” (“More Culture”) for the Generalitat de Catalunya draws from a simple, even childish, idea: when you like something, you want more of it. More theatre, more museums, more cinema, more literature, more dance, more folklore… more culture. The spot is a journey through a variety of cultural expressions, aiming to a holistic conception of the arts: they are all connected, they all make us feel something, therefore they are all relevant and should be claimed as an essential part of social life.


Read the full case & Director’s Pol González Novell Interview at Folch



Art Direction & Concept



White Horse


Pol González Novell

First AD

Mónica Castillo


Ferran Bassaganyes & Diana Asenjo

Production Assistants

Carlos Perarnau, Francisco Gea & Martí Gómez


Julieta Lutti

Camera Assistant

Raul Mulas

Steady Cam

Joan Morató

Steady Assistant

Francesc Rubio


Santiago Alvamont


Ferran Grau

Light Technicians

Borja Mata, Juan Francisco Flores

Set Design

Cristina Ramos


Jaume Vidiella

Stylist Assistant

Laia Granero

Make Up

Jess Aguirre, Mari Carmen Fernández & Laura Asturgó

Still Photography

Bonastre Photo

Making Of

Bonastre Photo


Studio EL

Color Grading

Lara Vilanova

Sound Post Production

Angel Sound Studio

Special Thanks to

Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès, Sau Chig Wong, ACGC